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Bug time! Now I'm not sure if this is a bug due to me having lost my internet foe a bit but sometimes the shop glitches out and only shows 2 tiles to pick from, and re rolling it uses a big chunk of money even though it says it's 2 dollars. Not sure if these are related or not, and I am unsure if they were caused via my internet. Also the game did crash once, if it crashes again I'll copy the crash message.

I've got a few things I'd like to ask if it's alright.
1, will you be adding in any new features? Such as a way to thin your deck.

2, I have some suggestions for new features that could be added, one being packs like Balatro as clearly this game takes some inspiration from Balatro. The packs could be 2 different packs, the first being a pack that focuses on terrain pieces, higher chance of double terrain (That being the same terrain piece on a tile), a bit higher chance for the special effects to be added. The second one would be a building pack which would cost more but it will always have at least 1 double building piece. There could also be different size packs that cost more or less depending on how many tiles are offered and how many you can pick.

3, I love this game a lot, it's really fun and I enjoy it so damn much. Keep up the good work and just know that you will always have me as a fan of this game.


Hey Bubbon, Thank you for your feedback and for the kind words!

The bug that you mentioned I will try to fix it at the end of next week, the issue is that the button to buy the right tile gets at the top of the reroll button, and you essentially buy the tile. From what I've seen if you always reroll from the right part of the button it doesn't happen. 

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Found another bug, I think the hotfix update did something and now the Water Mills won't ever have Lavender as a possibility. Not sure how, but it somehow happened.

Edit: It also seems to not have Fields as a possibility either.

Hey Bubbon, Thanks for the heads up! It should be fixed now.




Very nice game! Entertained me for an hour before I accidentally left the page. But not before reaching ~30M points - and my two giant forests weren't even connected yet! :D

Some small improvements that I think could be nice:

  • start from the smaller numbers to the bigger ones. it's really boring to watch the single digit numbers tick up from random tiny fields after you already did a massive combo.
  • a big combo / the thing that clears the requirement should come with more fanfare :D
  • being able to get rid of dominos could be nice - but also massively overpowered.
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I feel like I broke the game beyond all comprehension... (in the best way)

Let me know if there's a limit to the number of rounds, so I can say I beat the game lol.

You beat the game! Good job! 😂
The round score scales too little right now, we will update it with a better scale or/and a limit. 

In case you're wondering, I scaled to absolute insanity by taking every single "add 2 to prairie each time it scores" and "add stars to terrain" option I could to build the GIGAPRAIRIE. I also got lucky and collected some "if the size of this terrain is greater than X..." added on.

One tip to make these strategies less busted. Make reroll cost scale rapidly per round. I got to a point where I was racking up crazy amounts of money to the point that I could reroll and buy everything I wanted a dozen times, increasing my power level and chance of getting what I needed super quickly.  I basically bought every prairie and prairie buff to the point I could guarantee they'd appear first draw every round.

Oh also, I definitely would recommend scaling more exponentially. You could take a page out of balatro's book and have a set standard number of rounds to win, or you could just scale it super steep and add a leaderboard to see if someone finds the limit to what's possible.

Thanks for your feedback! It definitely needs way more scaling! We have some ideas to balance the game and we definitely have balatro as a reference. We noticed that buildings in general are too overpowered and we will do something about it.

Remember, balance doesn't necessarily mean fun. It's insanely satisfying to watch the score grow into the millions. That's what makes balatro fun, and it's what makes this game fun. (I just spent an entire 3 hour class playing it again up into the tens of millions.)

Got a few more things, 1, I lost because somehow I scored negative points, I believe from the tile addon thingy where it's (X points of type placed) or something like that. 2, I personally think that adding a button to choose where the next area you can build goes would be good, make it cost like 500 dollars. 3, A way to thin your deck, without it, you need a lot of discards to try and find the tile you want.

This game absolutely needs to have the function to move the camera with the arrow keys, otherwise it's near impossible to play without a mouse.

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Awesome game. But yeah can't play w/o mouse.

are you considering making a native build for win/linux/mac after the jam? cause i am genuinely wanting to play this regularly


Yes, we will upload a windows build as well as soon as the voting period ends. We didn't had time to do it during the jam, because I had to switch platforms to do it and we prioritized webGL, so it's easier for people to play.


Really fun game! On one of my runs I randomly got 'stuck' at the end of a round. I passed the requirement and bought something at the shop but when the shop closed it didn't start a new round and I was just stuck looking at the map.

The water mill crashes the build when a tile that has earned permanent points spawns again 😢 When the voting period ends I will update the game with a fix.

hey there! really cool and addicting game, i just have a problem i think? whenever the tiles expand on a new round for me, it shows them cutting off outside of the screen view. i've tried scrolling or dragging around to see if i could move my view downwards, but it hasn't worked for me. so i'm not sure if i'm experiencing some random problem, or i'm just dumb lol (hopefully picture attached shows it alright)


You should be able to drag the camera with the middle mouse (only on fullscreen view because of being played on a browser)

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thanks for letting me know, i'm trying that but no luck unfortunately. i'll make do as is i guess, it's fun either way :)


Oh sorry to hear that, just to be clear is pressing the middle button, not scrolling. When the voting part is over we will make an update fixing some issues and add a windows version as well so it's easier to play, hopefull that will fix it.

ah no worries. and thanks for letting me know, i'll make sure to come back to the game later on and check for updates then

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Absolutely amazing game! Got hooked for 3 hours almost, difficulty scaling could use some work and literally my only complaint is QOL things like zooming in and out! Got a high score of 20000 before throwing in the towel round 12. Love it!

Edit: Kept playing and it crashed around 300000 score, going to start my next run now <3

Happy that you are enjoying it! We will upload a new build without the crash as soon as the game jam rules allow us to :D For now I would avoid the buildings that give permanent points.

Crashes during round 7. =(

But awesome game, hope you expand on it and release it.

Yeh, sorry for the crash. Thanks for playing!

very calming, enjoyable game with cute and polished aesthetics!

Thanks! :^)

Really nice art style! And the concept is fun too :)

dude really cool game I really like it!

Thanks a lot! 🤗